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MEDICON VILLAGE, LUND, SWEDEN – Paindrainer AB announces that the company has signed a partnership agreement allowing access to several thousand patients with chronic conditions managed by Complete Care Partner (CCP). This is made possible since Complete Care Partners (CCP) will access Paindrainer PD1, the company’s complete solution for Remote Therapeutic Monitoring (RTM), in their services reaching patients in over 70 healthcare providers.
MEDICON VILLAGE, LUND, SWEDEN – Paindrainer AB, is proud to be selected as one of few companies shortlisted for the esteemed Nordic Star pitch competition. This prestigious pitch competition will take place at Nordic Life Science Days (NLSDays) in Malmö, Sweden on September 18-19, 2024.
MEDICON VILLAGE, LUND, SWEDEN – Paindrainer AB, is pleased to announce its selection for the prestigious Prevent2Care Lab Program. This program provides invaluable access to the extensive business expertise of the Ramsay Santé Group, a European leader in the private hospitalization, embodying their commitment to innovation.
The Paindrainer digital medical device will be used to investigate how chronic pain is processed in the brain using Cleveland Clinic’s established brain scanning technology, as well as evaluate the correlation between users' logged data and objectively measured real world data through wearables. The study will be held at Cleveland Clinic in collaboration with Lund University.
MEDICON VILLAGE, LUND, SWEDEN – Paindrainer AB, a pioneer in the field of digital healthcare technology, is pleased to announce that the European Patent Office (EPO) has granted a patent for its unique proprietary platform for 360° patient-centricity, chronic pain management, powered by an artificial neural network.
MEDICON VILLAGE, LUND, SVERIGE - I ett nytt partnerskap kommer Paindrainer AB, en pionjär inom digital hälsovård, och de väletablerade Bragée Kliniker, att genomföra en kommersiell pilot som syftar till att stärka rehabilitering- och behandlingsprogram för patienter med långvarig smärta.
MEDICON VILLAGE, LUND – Paindrainer AB, en föregångare inom digitala medicintekniska lösningar för kronisk smärta, är glada att presentera Paindrainer Care Portal. Tillsammans med mobilapplikationen Paindrainer PD1 erbjuder den en komplett lösning för vårdgivare att distansmonitorera sina patienters framsteg och förbättra deras livskvalitet.
Erik Frick
[email protected]
+46 736 61 21 23
Erik Frick, VD Paindrainer AB
Paindrainer App
Paindrainer Logotype
The Story Behind Paindrainer
Paindrainer Pitch 2022
Business Sweden
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